
Saturday 16 March 2013

Honesty and color

At the moment, my blog is like Frankfurt airport. Closed because of snow, with planes (I imagine) circling overhead.
Like those imaginary planes I am also circling without coming in to land. It is unfamiliar terrain down there.

Changing the blog url is a fresh new start, and I do not know how to jump in.  

But this Saturday morning it is quiet. Eva is at an Indian Holi festival organized by some classmates, and I finally 
have time to write down some thoughts.

After the festival

I do know what I want for the blog. 

I want it honest, I want it raw, I want it beautiful, not because it is aesthetically pleasing, but because it is true. 

Resonating. Touching, with the realization that some truths are the same for all of us, no matter what we look like on the outside. We all have to deal with life being unpredictable, being brutal, being tough. With making mistakes, with having regrets, with coming short of our own expectations.
With hurting others, deliberately or through being blind and unaware.

And still we have to go on, every day. And still there is so much beauty, so much grace, such goodness.

We are all in this together.

So the idea is that whatever I experience will be of value to you if I am uncompromisingly honest about it. 
Because such honesty always touches that part in us that knows. 
Knows we are ultimately the same. 
We all want to find our own truth, live out our own uniqueness. Contribute ourselves.

In my work as a healing facilitator, I love my clients so much when they start to open up. Even if they have done things 
that are not nice at all. If it is truthful, it is beautiful, and I can understand. Being that honest, opening yourself up with 
such vulnerability has to touch. I can’t help but love this incredibly courageous soul.

And maybe this is why I want to do be so honest myself. 

Because I want to be loved.  For the real me. For the person full of flaws, full of shortcomings, short of money. For the impatient, angry, snappy bitch I sometimes am. For being insecure. For hiding. Behind books, behind smiles, behind 
being nice. 

And because coming out of hiding is an act of self-love, of acceptance. And hopefully of inspiration. 

We all struggle, let’s do it together! Becoming gentler and more real in the process.

A wonderful weekend dear friends!

Lots of love,


Ps: After a swim, a shower and a bath, my child is still colorful. So is her bedding, her t-shirt and the wall....

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  1. I am looking forward to your blog and seeing something real and refreshing.

    Your daughter is stunning. Those eyes are incredible and she's been blessed with perfect I wish I had full lips like that...something collagen just can't do the way nature does.

    1. That intensity in her eyes is absolutely breathtaking! And the colors in the picture, wow!
      I suppose you, Jutta, don't mind if I pin this picture, since you have the pinning-button on your blog?

      And your words makes me wonder howcome people so often want to show their ideal selfs on blogs, not what they truly are. I return to blogs having the feel of real life, like yours :)

  2. Jutta, Du hast so recht! Wir wollen als das angenommen werden, was wir sind. Das beginnt damit, dass wir uns selbst annehmen, mit all unseren Unzulänglichkeiten. Dabei hilft mir das Bloggen. Wir sind eine wunderbare Gemeinschaft von Individualisten, die sich gegenseitig befruchten und ermutigen. Ich bin froh, an Deinem Leben teilhaben zu dürfen.
    Lieben Gruß + a big hug!
    PS.: Deine Tochter ist eine Schönheit, sie hat so faszinierende Augen.

    1. Das bloggen hilft mir auch dabei, vor allem wegen Euch!!! So froh, dass ich Dich 'getroffen' habe xxx

  3. Love you dear Jutta, I cant wait to read more, I've been missing you too xxx

  4. I'm looking forward to your future postings. Your daughter is absolutely stunning! Schönes Wochenende. :-)

  5. I <3 you dear Jutta,you are such an inspiration to me the way you, what you do and the way you live, your home and your healing classes and Yoga.
    And I am looking forward to the new blog...Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you so much darling Claudia! You are quite an inspiration to me too :-) xxx

  6. You have always been beautiful to me. I'm glad I've gotten to know you better and I will say that I would love it if you told us more about the Indian Holi festival. Oh...and I still hope you will write poems, keep posting incredible pics and the occasional craft and recipe!

  7. It's very brave of you to invite us along on your journey, with all it's changes and bumps in the road. Because you are such a wonderful photographer, we get to see things as you see them. Because you are also a gifted writer, we get to share in your thoughts and feelings. I wouldn't miss this for the world!

  8. If someone were to look at your life and mine--your style and mine, your house and mine, your life work and mine, they would say we had little in common. Yet you are one of my favorite bloggers. We all deal with the ups and downs of life, appreciate and learn from hearing how others deal with it, love seeing beauty in its many creative forms.

    I had to read the paragraph beginning with, "I want to be loved..." out loud to my husband because it so resonated with me.

    I can't wait for this "new" blog to take off and fly! I'm with Danni--I'd like to see more of your poetry, too.

  9. What a beautiful post. I look forward to being inspired and feeling connect through your new blog, your new start. You were and will continuing to be inspiring. And, Eva is stunning!

  10. You are so right, dear Jutta. And so courageous in looking at this so clearly and sharing yourself with us. The world is so full of projections of the "ideal", telling us what is 'normal', 'perfect' or 'beautiful' that we often stop loving ourselves because we do not fit into that. And rejecting our uniqueness and beautiful, authentic self in the hope to fit in. And just as bad: at the same time rejecting that in others too. While we all just want to be loved and accepted the way we are...
    So great that you are sharing your true self with us, and by that helping us (me) to do the same. I am looking forward to every new post from you. I love you! Hugs and love xxx

    1. I love you to dear sweet Imke friend!!!! AND i miss you! But it is wonderful to connect through your beautiful website and blog xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Eva is so beautiful... there's a truth in her eyes that I feel in your words. I'm so glad to be coming along on your journey.

  12. I love this post Jutta. Yes, honesty is beautiful, and it does resonate with our hearts. I feel you, I'm also going through so much... My life feels like Frankfurt Airport aswell,I too feel unpatient but I found some peace reading you today. We are all humans, all made out of the same essence. This new step for your blog will be a blessing, even if it takes a bit to get used to everything. I know this'll be true ...change brings growth (I'm telling this to myself too) Lots of love from Mexico!

    1. Thanks so much dear Andrea! It is so encouraging to get comments like this one :-). Big hug to you

  13. I'm loving where you are going with this. I find it so hard to be honest, especially with myself, and it helps me if other people lead by example. I've loved the little bits of 'real' life that you shared on your old blog, and I cannot wait to learn more about you as a person.

    By the way, I agree with what all the above commenters have said about Eva. She is beautiful. I hope she knows it!

  14. Hi Jutta,
    I nominated you for an award

    Have a lovely weekend

    this is the link, sorry for previous comment/link

  16. also not working, wait for my reply please, seems all I do today I have to do twice, before it works....


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