
Tuesday 26 February 2013

This week

It is rather quiet on the blog, I am doing a lot of reading and thinking and figuring out where to go from here.
Hibernation at the end of summer...

Here some pictures from this week:

Eva is back from her class trip to a wildlife sanctuary. Luckily I didn't know about the flimsy fences before they went....

It was looking quite promising yesterday, but again no rain:

This morning, getting ready for school:

Early morning moon:

Just now, homework:

I have to cut the roses and bring them in, on the bush they burn before opening fully. In the house they last for about two days:


Getting some more enjoyment out of them:

Lots of love to you,


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  1. Just dropping in to say "hello" Nice photos. Have a good rest of the week. :-)

  2. So funny, i just also posted a picture with washing on the line on my blog... and now see yours... Serendipity? Miss you! Hugs and love from Berlin

    1. Great minds dear Imke :-) xxx Miss you!

  3. So weird reading about you living the end of summer, when we are just awakening to the first really sunny days, snow melting on the roofs facing the sun. Wondering how it would feel if I had to jump back to autumn againg without the vigorating summer.

  4. Hallo Jutta,
    es tut so gut zwischendurch mal sommerliche Bilder zu sehen. Ich würde Dir gerne ein paar Wolken schicken, wir haben genug.
    Wenn das Töchterchen den Raubtieren so nahe kam, bist Du sicher doppelt froh, dass sie wohlbehalten wieder zuhause ist.
    Lieben Gruß

    1. Ja, war sehr froh, als sie wieder da war :-). Das Angebot mit den Wolken nehme ich sehr gerne an!!!
      Alles Liebe Dir

  5. Die Teller sind ja ein absoluter Traum.
    Und die Hitze und Sonne bei euch.. so langsam möchte ich tauschen.
    Mir reicht es jetzt mit Schnee (so sehr ich ihn auch liebe).
    Wenn ich Eva in den Shorts sehe will ich auch endlich Sommer!
    Alles Liebe euch,

    1. Ja, ich mag die Teller auch sehr gerne :-). Du kannst gern ein bisschen Sonne (und vor allem Hitze) haben. Freue mich schon auf den Herbst, wenn man wieder schlafen kann!
      Alles Liebe nach Berlin

  6. As always your photos are wonderful. They make me long for summer here in our snow!

    All this inner thought makes me wonder if there will be big changes in your future. I've been reading a book about "inflection points"--events that bring a fundamental change in our thinking, and how we should not miss their opportunities. It sounds exciting.

  7. What a simple and beautiful post. The glimpses into your life are among my favorite posts of yours. I can't wait to see what your new blog brings.

  8. The roses look so beautiful! I love your photos! :)

    Ngaio xx

    1. Thanks so much dear Ngaio! What a beautiful name you have xxx

  9. Hibernating?! Is that what it is called?
    Biiiiiiiiiiiig hugs dear friend
    waiting for you to come out ;-)
    Love you

    1. You will be the first to know when i do! Thank you dear friend xxx

  10. Yikes! That is not much protection between a human and a lion! Love the photos as always. The moon is my fave today! We have snow Jutta and I'm enjoying it before I have to start worrying about what the sun will do to things this summer! Lovely to see your roses in the middle of our winter!

  11. Loewe und Kind passt nicht so gut zusammen, das sehe ich genauso. Aber ich liebe Loewen. War bestimmt ein toller Ausflug. Liebe Gruesse an die beide Fotografinnen.

    1. Dankeschön! Ja, Eva hatte eine tolle Zeit. Und ich auch :-). Kinderlos zu sein ist manchmal auch ganz schön (solange es nicht zu lange dauert).
      Alles Liebe

  12. Beautiful pics Jutta! Uh I haven't stopped here in a while, been quite busy... I noticed you chnged your blog name. And I guess do to that Ohio company. I'll be happy to follow you to your new adress :) It's a good time for changes now! God bless transformation :)! LOVE from Mexico!

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