
Tuesday 29 January 2013

This month

This morning, I read an article by Alexandra Franzen:

‘So THAT happened….!’ A journaling practice for people that tend to forget their own awesomeness.

What it basically entails is that you write down the cool things you did this month.

Sometimes it is enough to just change your perspective and something boring becomes new.

I also tried that with the pictures for this post. 
Different points of view leave my house looking excitedly unfamiliar :-).

Please join me in honoring the (extra)ordinary!


This January, I

  •  had  a whole month of healthy! Fruit for breakfast, lots of salad, daily trampoline jumping and daily yoga, to counteract my tendency to sit on the couch and read and eat chocolate when emotionally upset. I am feeling (and looking) so much better for it! 

  • learned a lot about a certain boy band Eva is obsessed with

  • managed to see disappointment as a chance rather than a loss, and to accept it with dignity instead of entitlement. Read that again and realized how pompous that sounds. Will leave it in anyway because it is true, and something I am proud of :-)

  • wrote three poems and loved it! 


  • went to two birthday parties, a baby shower, a reunion with old friends, and a Saturday afternoon braai, and had fun

  • harvested and ate my first home grown mangoes

  • spent a lot of time thinking about what I want in life, what is important to me, which compromises are appropriate and which lead to selling-out

  • got up at 5 every weekday morning without complaining :-)

  • experienced intense happiness in seemingly ordinary moments


  • remembered to put the dustbins out on time (imperative in our current heat wave. The smell is unbelievable if you forget it :-) )

  • worked with a lot of clients and so enjoyed it! I love it when people realize their own potential

  • found a puppy and brought her home. She is sweet and cocky and quite clever, and does all the usual puppy things (chew shoes, pee on carpets, run in front of cars, and sleep during the day while jumping around at night, looking for company)

  • connected with you guys on a much deeper level. I had so many beautiful email exchanges, and heartfelt, supportive and interesting comments. What a blessing you are!

This is it for me. What happened in your January?

Lots of love,


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  1. Another beautiful post with lovely pictures! Love the perspective! I'm afraid to say my January was not nearly as productive and healthy as yours!! But...there's always February!

  2. Beautiful photos! And the remark about disappointment is right on, not pompous at all. Good for you! Great idea about writing down the months.

  3. I love your post as always, you remind me always to live in the moment and take nothing for granted.......I click on your blog several times a day, until I see a new post (FB is blocked at work, so I miss the reminders)

  4. As always, enjoy the affirmative post: well done. That pup is cute and his/her parentage looks very interesting! Got any clues on that one?


    1. Thank you Isobel :-). The first pic is of the puppy we found, it is dachshund mixed with something else. The second pic is our older pup, her mum is a normal dachshund and her dad is a wired-haired dachshund

  5. Inspiring text and beautiful photos. Keep up the good work.

  6. You are such an inspiration. After the month you have had, we all would have fully supported you sitting on the couch eating chocolate feeling morose. Instead, you have shown us all that there is a choice in how you look at things. You can sink further into despair OR you can take control and see the positives and find some hope. Thanks for always being a ray of sunshine.

  7. Jutta, das klingt gar nicht pompös, sondern sehr Mut machend. Ich weiß, dass es schwierig ist, diese Stimmung zu halten. Aber wenn es gelingt, macht diese Einstellung frei und glücklich.
    Wunderschön, Deine so anderen Bilder!
    Herzlichen Gruß von Sabine
    PS: ich überlege mir auch, ob ich mein Trampolin wieder aktiviere. Es staubt gerade irgendwo ein.

    1. Ganz herzlichen Dank liebe Sabine!
      Mach das mit dem Trampoline! Macht Spass und macht fit :-)
      Alles Liebe

  8. Thanks for sharing the idea of chronicling our successes. I'm going to do that. It's hard to share the things that aren't going right in life, but your openness has inspired all of us to view change as a gift of possibilities!

  9. Jutta, What a lovely and descriptive post. You express yourself so beautifully when you write. I love the photos....they remind me of the (extra) ordinary things I like to look at in my home but you actually photo'd them! Think of you daily and would love to take your yoga class:).LOVE the new puppy!!!
    Sending you many hugs,

    1. Thanks so much dear Kay! Would be great to have you in the class!!!
      Big hug back :-)

  10. What a lovely post! I've been faithfully hitting the gym along with yoga and meditation, but the healthy eating still need work!

    Nothing pompous in your description of how you've handled things! You are awesome and it surely showed in how you handled this crisis.

  11. What a wonderful month of experiencing life at levels (of emotion and observation) Here's to the next 11 months of goreousness!

  12. There are some interesting points in time in this article but I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article, thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well

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