
Friday 25 January 2013

Questioning and happiness

Last week, I got a lawyers' letter saying that I have to close my website/blog, because there is a company
in Ohio selling organizing paraphernalia that is called 'Organized Living'. I am apparently stepping on their
toes by misleading their costumers and by using their good name to get readers.
So far, they have managed to block my facebook account in the US.
Before naming my website, I did an extensive search for name availability and 'Organized Living Solutions'
came back as being available.

I don't know if they can somehow block this blog too, so I am writing this to prepare you. Should the blog
disappear, please look for me under 'Jutta Dobler' (if you want to that is).

I am also writing this to make sense of what is happening. I started my website three years ago (and the
blog a year and a half ago), and have put countless unpaid hours into both.

The website doesn't interest me that much anymore, but I so love the blog. I love connecting with you.
I love the safe space it provides, independent from relationship or work issues.

Quite some time ago, I made the decision to take everything that happens in my life as benefiting me,
even if I do not see immediately how it might do that. I am sticking with that now, although so far I am
still rather blind.

But one strange and wonderful thing did happen yesterday.

While driving, I suddenly had a surge of happiness come over me. It was completely unrelated to what is
going on in my life (and had nothing to do with taking mood altering substances :-) ).

I was just happy. Then, because I couldn't understand it, I thought about my failed marriage, and about the
uncertainty about the blog, and it didn't change a thing. I was still happy!

Odd but lovely :-).

I have read often that being happy is (or can be) independent from your circumstances, but I never experienced
it before. Maybe all that 'being in the moment' is starting to have an effect.

So now I can tell you: we really can be happy no matter what.

And if you don't believe me, I leave you with this guy to sprinkle some magic dust:

Hugs to you dear friends,


Ps: In case you have any legal insights or tips, please let me know.

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  1. ach, liebste jutta, schon vergangene woche musste ich bei dir leider ein bisschen passen wegen meiner sehr schlechten englischkenntnisse (besser unkenntnis;) hoffentlich verpass ich hier bei dir nichts wichtiges...
    sei liebst gegrüßt von birgit, die sich wenigstens an deinen bildern erfreut und entdeckt hat, dass du mitgemixt hast:):):)

    1. Dankeschön liebe Birgit. War diesmal keine so schöne Lektüre... Gehe Dich jetzt mal besuchen :-)
      Alles Liebe

  2. 'Sending you a hug ((Jutta)) along with prayers. I would so miss your blog! Surely a reasonable solution for both parties can be found. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. The best things in life are free, and being happy just like that is one of them! I experience it quite often (I maybe bipolar or something)and in reverse some days I feel down with no reason. But all the time, I choose to savor happiness for as long as it lasts, with no questions asked :)
    I've got no legal advice (although I went to Law School) but if worst comes to show, you can start a new blog under a new name and save all your previous posts in there.
    As for us, we'll never leave your sight :)

  4. That's a shame! Could you perhaps change the name of your blog? I've just met you and would like to get to know you a little bit. Just FYI: Ich spreche auch Deutsch :-) Hope it all works out for you.

  5. it would be such a pity, I always come here several times s day, just to see if there is a new post (fb is blocked here at work, so I miss your links)but you will find a way, I am sure of it....I love the unicorn, looks amazing...
    have a nice weekend and lots of love

  6. Thanks for the morning magic! Hey, my sisters and I had a website where we just caught up on each others news. It got taken down because someone else had a similar business name. She contacted the company owner and explained what our site was and all that we used it for and he was very nice and withdrew and we got our facebook page and our website back. You might try going directly to the source. He might not really be aware of what a blog is and what it's about and might reign in his legal muscle a little.

  7. It's not fact just because a lawyer sends a letter. I've seen instances where Etsy has forced a member to stop selling an item after receiving one of these letters. I'd assume Facebook also errs on the side of "easy" as in it's just easier than risking a possible problem--however unlikely.

    Your name has solutions in it making it different. Using Organized Living's logic, Martha Stewart would be able to close them down for using "Living" in their name because it's the name of her magazine.

  8. I've just sent a note to Organized Living at this page:

    letting them know what I think of their attempt to squash a small business for simply having a similar name.

  9. Thanks for the heads up, I hope you get to keep your site, and if not, at least that you get to keep your followers under your new name (I bet you can somehow do that). Good luck! And hurrah for being happy regardless of the attempts to shut down your site. Good for you!!

  10. Gosh, I just looked at their website, and they seem to only have adopted the name this month! (On their 'About' page it says: "In January of 2013 SCHULTE, a 94 year old company, adopted its leading brand Organized Living as its new corporate name.") And it's not even the same as your blog name. And there are so many results when you search for the term. How petty, especially as your blog has nothing to do whatsoever with selling storage solutions. I don't know how anybody could be misled. I hope it all turns out okay for you. And I am happy you still find happy moments in this time of change, I wish you many more!

  11. Ich kenne dieses Gefühl. Denke sogar, dass es gerade in Zeiten in denen nicht alles rund läuft (eine Untertreibung), besonders stark zum Ausdruck kommt. Oder besonders stark empfunden wird! Es trägt Dich hoffentlich durch die nächste Zeit.
    Ganz liebe Grüße
    PS: wenn Dein Blog verschwindet, was ich nicht hoffe, hinterlasse vielleicht bei Birgit auf dem Blog eine Nachricht. Ich würde Dich ungerne aus den Augen verlieren.

  12. I have stumbled upon their page too and there is no mistaking that it is not your cool blog :-) I read the comments above and the effort some readers have gone to and it made me smile. I hope it made you smile too, gorgeous-ness! Here's to your blog and it's future - new name or old name. Have a happy weekend.

  13. NO. I can't believe that your facebook has been blocked to the US. That infuriates me. I will hunt you down, if your blog ever goes missing. You aren't getting rid of me. I am so sorry to hear that your lovely blog, website and facebook are being bullies about. BUT, I am impressed that you are finding happy moments in the midst of everything you are going through. You are an inspiration.

  14. Oh no Jutta - can you change your blog name? Or just move your content over to a new blog. It will work out - things always have a way of working out.
    I am so glad you are feeling happier - big hugs xxx

  15. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. As Gilda Radnar said, "It's Always Something". Still, it's just a name and you know you can change it and we'll all follow along with you. That you had the gift of a 'bolt of happiness lightening' is so wonderful. May it stay with you forever!

  16. Oh Jutta, I'm so sorry to hear about this...first of all you must keep being happy, that helps a lot! I memorized 'Jutta Dobler'.... I hope everything is solved quickly. I love your blog and I need your fabulous ideas too ^_^
    Have a fabulous weekend!
    With love from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  17. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry to hear about this. For this to happen after you've put so much of yourself into your blog is so unfair. So glad you had a true happiness moment in the midst of all this... I hope it lasts for you. It seems they come when we least expect them, but maybe when we need them most. I hope everything turns out OK!

  18. Oh dear Jutta! I'm lighting a candle for you and this issue tonight.And you're so right JOY is always an option. I send you my dearest hugs from far away Mexico.

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