
Sunday 14 October 2012

Weekend impressions

Here some pics from yesterday.

It was very, very hot. Summer is definitely on its way. We even had a cloud! (These are the kind of things I get excited about...):


Siesta next to the pool:

Playing with water, Elsa's favorite game:

Our friend Daniel, who came to visit from the Cóngo:


The three Musketeers:

They also like to play with water:


Two blondes:

And a dark-haired one trying to be a blonde:

Favorite past-time of the Namibians, having a braai (barbecue):



Starving dog:

Off to the other house:


for some more siesta:

In the evening, I finally remember to harvest some of our spinach. I washed it, cut it into small pieces and put it in the 
freezer, seeing that I am the only one in this family who likes it. Hopefully I will be able to think of something to do with it:

Lots of love and a wonderful Sunday!


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  1. How lovely! Our season are so opposite! It's fun to see everyone enjoying summer! Love that the dogs get in on the action too!

  2. kaum vorstellbar, liebe jutta, wir sitzen hier bei schmuddelwetter und warten auf den winter und ihr genießt in vollen zügen den sommer;) die erde ist ein wunderding:)
    liebste sonntaggrüße von birgit

  3. Ha, this looks just like California! We had a taste of fall but its turning to summer again for a bit. Luckily, we can barbecue all year here ;-).
    Love that wire globe!!!

  4. How nice, I wish the summer was also here.

  5. Ha ha ha - love the "cloud"
