
Sunday 7 October 2012

This week

we went to lunch at my lovely friend Cresly's house. She is form the Phillipines and cooks like an angel :-):

The girl who has mountains of clothes and nothing to wear finally cleaned out her cupboard:

We dropped the clothes off at Esther's garage sale:

Esther makes the most gorgeous things:

All over Windhoek, the Jacaranda trees are flowering:

At home:

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Lots of love,


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  1. What a beautiful place. I have never seen jacaranda trees. Love the fact that your friend recycles unwanted clothes. Her things are lovely.

  2. das sind wunderschöne einblicke in dein leben, liebe jutta. eine lecker kochende freundin, eine witzige dinge anfertigende zweite freundin und ein sehr heimeliges nachhausekommen...eben wunderbar!
    liebste grüße aus dem veregneten karlsruhe von birgit

  3. Your lunch looks fabulous! My daughter in law is Filipino and also cooks like an angel. What a great way to start off the week.

  4. hallöchen

    eigendlich ist mir neid in jeglicher form fremd. ich dachte bisher auch immer, daß ich jede jahreszeit gerne habe...wenn ich aber den grauen himmel hier in stuttgart sehe, und dann höre, daß bei euch gerade frühling ist;
    shame on me.
    damit werde ich aber sicher noch fertig werden. spätestens, wenn hier der goldenen oktober einzug hält.
    trotzdem freue ich mich sehr für dich.
    genieße den frühling, und alles was damit zusammenhängt....
    liebe grüße

  5. Your friend does look like an angel and it looks like she cooks like one too! Ha! I remember the years of "nothing to wear" and a closet full of clothes!! I am in love with your friend Esther's owls! Those are the cutest!

  6. I'd like to be part of this yummy lunch!!! I'm in love with your owls!
    I have a new blog, i'll be glad if you stop by someday ;)
    Cheers !

  7. What a gorgeous last picture of your house Jutta! I love the light, warm and "gezellig". Perfect atmosphere for a glass of wine with friends :-). Thanks so much for the exposure on my products!
    Love you! xxxxxxxxxxx
