
Monday 8 October 2012

Healthy homemade deodorant

Most deodorants you can buy contain anitperspirants. They close the pores under your arms so you do not
sweat so much.
But these pores are designed to sweat out the toxins the lymph nodes transport there.
I never felt comfortable using antiperspirants, especially after reading various studies linking them to breast cancer.

So when I came across a recipe for a homemade deodorant in a Dutch magazine I was very keen to try it out.


It is really simple to make, and it smells delicious.
I don't know yet how well it will work, but I will do some field tests in the African heat and let you know :-).

If it works, it will go on my homemade christmas gift list. So far, the salty almonds are the only thing on there. I am feeling
quite proud of myself anyway, maybe for once it will not be a last minute rush to get presents this christmas...

Here is what you need for the deodorant:

1/4 cup of cornstarch
1/4 cup of baking powder
5 tablespoons of coconut oil
10 drops of tea tree oil (if you start itching when using the tea tree oil leave it out, some people react allergic)
about 15 drops of another essential oil of which you like the smell (not necessary, this is just if you would like to not smell of tea tree :-) )

Mix the baking powder and the corn starch:

Add the coconut oil. In our climate it is pretty liquid and quite easy to mix in. If yours is solid, gently heat it up until soft:

Add the essential oil and mix well:

Fill it up into a container. If you don't live in a very hot country, you should be able to leave it in your cupboard. I use my
fingers to put it on:

Have a great start to the week!

An update (thanks Erica :-) ): I have been using the homemade deodorant now for over a month and it has been VERY hot here in Namibia. It works wonderfully and I can fully recommend it!

Lots of love,


Ps: I am linking to One Project closer and to these lovely parties.

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  1. hallöchen
    das ist ja mal eine tolle idee, deo selber machen, schon wirklich kreativ diese holländer...
    ist sowieso viel zuviel chemie in allem! wenn ich an chinesisches essen denke, und an die geschmacksverstärker, brrrr.
    danke für das rezept
    cu, ute

  2. COOL!, yeah, I know those Dutchies :-) Sorry, couldn't resist.
    I will for sure give it a try, have been struggling with the same thing. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Enjoy a lovely evening
    Big Kiss

  3. I must give this a try sometime. Antiperspirants are a quite a concern.

    Life of an Agnostic Sunday School Teacher

  4. Thank you for the recipe! 'Sounds very simple! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  5. I tried to give up antiperspirants this summer and I just couldn't. But I also didn't try a nice, homemade deodorant either. This recipe looks easy!

    1. It is really easy to make. I have used it since yesterday and so far it is working fine, despite it being really hot!

  6. it sure looks easy to make!
    i go google where i can buy teatreeoil.

  7. Interesting. I look forward to hearing how this works. Please update us!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing this on the Ginger Jamboree! I love this idea so much that I shared it on my Facebook Page!

  9. What a great idea! Please considering sharing your post at our Eco-Kids Tuesday Link-Up

  10. Jutta, this recipe is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing...I've got to try it!

  11. I love this recipe. I am going to try it. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party and would love to have you share this with everyone. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  12. This is great. I'm really glad that I've stumbled upon this post. Definitely going to try out the recipe and share my opinion from male perspective. But by the looks of it this recipe for healthy homemade deodorant has already be proven to work. Keep up the good work. Really enjoyed your blog. Cheers!

    1. Thanks so much dear Trevor! How lovely to have somebody from the UK, feels nearly like home :-).
      Yip, the deodorant does work, it is cheap and it is harmless.
      Have a great start to the weekend!

  13. This is something I would love to try. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you :-). It is worth trying out, much cheaper and healthier than most store-bought deodorants

  14. I should try this! Sounds like it would work well. Definitely have to pin.

    1. Thank you dear Becca! Yes, it does work :-)

  15. Thanks for the share. Giving up anti-perspirants has been on my list to do for a while now. Maybe this is the year. :)

  16. An old friend of mine used to use a salt crystal as deodorant. I like this idea much better. Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

    1. I used a salt crystal too before discovering this recipe. it does, also work i just dropped it too often (shatters when you do that :-) )

  17. I have been using this recipe for a couple years now and it works wonderfully! Much better than even the store bought natural deodorants!

    1. I have become quite fond of it too! So simple, cheap, easy and good for you!

  18. It looks great. I'm pinning it!

  19. I never use deodorant, haven't in over 20 years luckily I don't have bad body odor. Some times when I go out I just rub a little extra virgin coconut oil under each arm ...too easy ...
    Sherrie from Simpleliving :)

  20. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe over at Eco-Kids Tuesday. I featured it this week!

  21. Thank you for sharing it at our linky party at
    Which Dutch magazine, btw?

  22. So happy to feature your homemade deodorant at my Super Link Party! :-)

  23. Jutta,
    This is brilliant! Everyone could use more homemade products like this deodorant! Now I'm off to read up on antiperspirants and breast cancer. Thanks for the heads up.

    Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share this week! Have a wonderful rest of the week

  24. This look like a great recipe and if it works in Namibia then it should do the job here in the UK! Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Seasonal Celebration Sunday! Rebecca x

    1. Thanks so much! I love party-ing with you :-)

  25. Wow that is great. I bet it smells wonderful! Thanks for sharing on "I Gotta Try That"

  26. i've tried this recipe. unfortunately i didn't do my research ahead of time. the baking soda can be very irritating and cause a rash after several days of use. this happened to me so i cannot use this homemade recipe. i am thinking of trying it without the baking soda and just using the arrowroot or cornstarch.

    1. Hi Robin
      did you use the tea tree oil? That is much more likely to cause a reaction than the baking powder.

    2. no, i didn't use any tea tree oil, however, i did use some lemon essential oil. i've read quite a bit about the baking soda being the problem for a lot of people. so i just assumed it was the baking soda causing the rash. maybe it's the lemon oil?

    3. I have to sneeze whenever i smell lemon essential oil, so maybe it really is that? On the other hand, it might well be the baking soda then. Not sure how well the recipe will work without it. I am sorry that you are getting a rash.
      If this recipe doesn't work for you, you can also use a salt crystal. This doesn't contain anything harmful either and works quite well (i just keep on dropping them, which is not a good idea...).
      have a lovely day dear Robin
