
Monday 24 September 2012

Weekend recap and a recipe

Friday morning, five minutes before we had to leave for school, Eva told me that she was supposed to dress up as
her favorite book character. She had book week at school, and they were doing a parade to finish it off.
I put her into my vintage oma nightdress, stuffed a rabbit into her hand and pronounced her Alice in Wonderland.

She was not impressed (might help her to remember earlier the next time...:

Always during book week, there is a big book sale. I told Eva she can select one book. This is what we came home with...:


Saturday morning spring sunrise:

Tea and cheese cake with my friend Cecile:


The rest of the weekend was spent in true African fashion:


This is what I saw when I looked up from my favorite couch:

And now for the recipe:  

Mandarine Cottage Cheese Cream

It is citrus fruit season in Namibia. I made litres of lemonade already, and now had to find something to do with the mandarines 
a friend gave me. They are small, full of pips and very sour:

To make the cream, you will need any type of citrus fruit juice:

Mix the juice with cottage cheese and sugar. And for the final touch I added some Orange Blossom Syrup. Yumm!:

Have a great start to a great week!

Lots of love,


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  1. I do not think you should be allowed to post weekend pics on a Monday morning... how can we concentrate on our work? wishing you a great week, Jutta! :)

  2. hahahahahahaha, how did you get that book to multiply itself?! Would love to know that trick

  3. Wish me luck...
    !)I have the BIG book sale tomorrow! One book always ends up as one armful!
    2) Dress up day on Friday... I have been warned

  4. What a lovely day! The recipe looks enticing. I've never seen orange blossom syrup but shall get out there and look for it!

  5. Oh Jutta! Your little Alice looks darling, even if she doesn't look thrilled! I always love the pictures of your life. The sunrise is beautiful and the Mandarine cottage cheese cream looks yummy. I have never heard of orange blossum syrup either but it sounds delicious!

  6. So jealous that you get blossoming trees! But I like the African out-of-time nap time a lot :)

  7. More beautiful pictures. I love how you spent your weekend. I do not have enough quiet moments, so I'll appreciate yours. Your daughter, stunning, that is all that can be said about her...she is truly stunning. And, your recipe looks delicious. Beautiful pictures, as usual.

  8. What beautiful pictures! I love that you rustled up such a lovely Alice at the last minute! It definitely is difficult to stick with a one book policy :).

  9. In my son's school is a bookfair at the moment and when I picked some books, I heard the lady at the register saying: sorry honey, but you can't get all these books, you don't have the money for it. After a while, the girl got it ...
    So next time cut the money of ... But I guess Eva will read all her books. God bless!
