
Thursday 23 August 2012

Some things I did today

Enjoyed the first signs of spring:

Solved the case of the mysteriously disappearing spinach:

Prepared a workshop with the help of my faithful assistant:

Discoverd that I had been running around like a headless chicken because I hadn't done any healing sessions in a month.
Very happy to be back to my usual, much more centered self now that I started working again :-)


Went shopping (the cookies are for the workshop and got hidden immediately):

Got some salad from the garden:

 And turned it into lunch:

And now that Eva has done her homework we will be doing something fun :-)

A wonderful day to all of you!

Lots of love,


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  1. Glad you're getting back to centered! The mystery of the spinach is too funny! I love that you are seeing signs of spring too.

  2. Hello there miss "no longer running around like a headless chicken", good to hear you are feeling better!!!

    Glad you hid those cookies, looking forward to those :-)

  3. You make the ordinary sound incredibly extraordinary. I love glimpsing a peek into your life.

  4. How did I miss that you do Reiki? Rabbits ate all my spinach and they didn't give me anything like eggs in return. I suppose you've noticed that Eva is changing from being a pretty, little girl into a beauty! ~ Maureen

  5. I didn't know you were a Reiki practitioner! I took my first course about six months ago. It was amazing!
