Consciously creating a beautiful life.

Monday 20 August 2012

How to crochet a bracelet

Before we went on holidays, juggling work, family, the pets, the friends and house and garden wasn't really a problem.
So why do I find it so difficult now?

It feels as if I am constantly playing catch-up, and there is just so little time for all the things I used to fit easily into my day,
like doing crafty things and writing blog posts (or washing my hair....).

So when I made a bracelet for a friend today I took the opportunity to photograph the steps.

Here is a DIY for a very quick, very simple crocheted bracelet.

You will need some thin wire (mine is a 0.25 mm silver wire)
Some beads (I used 12, because that is a significant number for my friend), and
a crocheting hook (the thinner the hook the smaller the chains. I used a 5 but only because it was the only hook I had)
a clasp and a ring to close the bracelet (or necklace)

Warning: this can be quite addictive!

 Start by putting all the beads onto the wire (don't cut the wire):

 Make a loop at the beginning of the wire, then attach the metall ring to the end of the wire:

Start crocheting chains, adding a bead every now and then (I added one every 4 to 6 chains).
Continue until all your beads have been used:

Then cut the wire and attach the clasp at the end:

I like it most when the bracelet is wrapped several times around the arm. You can of course also use it as a necklace,
or make it a lot longer and have many strands around your neck or up your arm.

Wishing you a wonderful, calm, centered, creative day :-).

I am linking to these lovely parties.

Please also check out our Shabby Apple giveaway here. It still runs until the 4th of September.

Lots of love,


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  1. With whom or what are you playing catch up darling Jutta?

    The bracelet is gorgeous! I saw you were wearing another one the other day, did you make that one too?

    Big hug love!

  2. Very pretty! Your friend will love it. ~ Maureen

  3. Very nice...I have never been able to crochet or knit....something about my brain makes me do stuff backwards with my left hand...crazy! I hope things calm down and you can catch up!

  4. Wow. That is beautiful. I have never thought to crochet with anything but yarn. Glad to see you back to blogging.

  5. Lovely bracelets!!
    I'm also trying to live the normal life again after the holidays..... It's not easy! ;-)

  6. Pretty DIY! I will try this, it's quick with a lovely result. I feel exactly the same since I came back from the holidays...the days just seem so short...i feel i'm not doing everything I should be doing, I' a bit stressed by that, but I'm hoping things are gonna take their normal rythm soon...

  7. I love this Jutta, I'm going to try it too. I gave you a shoutout on my FB page -

    And welcome back from your holiday hun - I hope you had a great time and settle back into things quickly again.
    Much love Nat

  8. Dear Jutta, this is a fantastic idea! I'm gonna teach my niece to make one of these lovely bracelet! Thanks for sharing! Sending you lots of HUGS! :)

  9. Beautiful! Totally not what I was expecting when I first saw the title...I pictured yarn, but this is so, so much better!

  10. I also saw you wearing it but we were so busy chatting that I never got to comment! It is luuuvly!

  11. Pretty! I made some of these a few years ago, all of the women I worked with were asking for their own. Be prepared to make a lot of them :-)

  12. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift~I'm sure your friend will love it! Angie

  13. So pretty--I love how you used the thin wire, too!

  14. Jutta, I just love this project every time I see it! I had to comment on it again!

  15. Ooh! This is so cute!!!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)

  16. How beautiful! Thank you for the directions! -Marci

  17. Well that's really pretty and it doesn't look too awful hard either, does it? Thanks for sharing!! I think this would be a fun craft to do w/my daughter.

  18. These look like fun to make! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Jutta what a pretty and creative idea. thank you for sharing your lovely post on the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

  20. Darling!!! Thank you for linking it up at our linky party at

  21. Jutta,

    Thank you so much for linking up your wonderful bracelet tutorial to Creative Thursday last week. I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. I wouldn’t be able to do these wonderful parties without your participation. Have a wonderful week.


  22. Very cute, I might try it soon :)
    Thanks for the tutorial!

    1. Thank you :-). It is surprisingly simple to do


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