
Monday 9 July 2012

Working through the bucket list

This family time bucket list was a great idea! We are doing a lot more things together and it is really fun.

Here some pictures from our Sunday:

The cat and me doing our Sunday morning thing:

Eva's newest obsession: spying. That unfortunately means that her dad and I have to come up with interesting
things to do, so she can watch us and report back without us seeing her.
I hung up the washing and he ate the only ripe strawberry (why didn't I think of that!):

Then we went to visit the petting zoo:

Tough life in Africa:

Lovely winter sky:


Have a wonderful day my friends!

Lots of love,


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  1. What a fun time you all had!
    I like the sound of morning thing with kitty :)
    The photo of the meerkats made me laugh!!
    Wünsche Dir einen guten Start in die Woche!
    Ganz liebe Grüße,

  2. Looks like a lovely day to me! Funny about the "spying"!!

  3. Be careful with the spy thing! Haha, maybe it's her future calling.

  4. Dear Jutta, Lovely post & what a beautiful day too! At least you've been blessed with sunshine , over here it's been raining for days! I was beginning to wonder if we're really in summer or autumn at times! LOL Lots of HUGS to you & your family! :)

  5. LOVELY PICTURES!!!! the one with you and John is gorgeous!

  6. What gorgeous pics! The beasts are all adorable--even the strange looking tusked one. I've not hit a zoo in long time. Thanks for the reminder to get out there and explore.

  7. What wonderful pictures. I love that your daughter is into spying. How funny. The pictures from the zoo were priceless. Looks like you are enjoying your days.

  8. wunderschöne bilder mit herrlichen lichtspielen, liebe jutta. am lustigsten find ich die erdmännchenorgie und am anrührendsten dich mit deinem mann. ich finde paarbilder sehr schön( nur hochzeitsbilder find ich oft ein bissel peinlich) - ansonsten können solche fotos schöne geschichten erzählen.ich merke auch immer mehr, wie sehr sich dein leben von dem hier in deutschland unterscheidet...deshalb bin ich sehr gespannt auf deine eindrücke, wenn du hier bist.
    sei herzlich gegrüßt von birgit

    1. Dankeschön liebe Birgit :-). Wir haben sehr wenige Bilder, auf denen wir beide drauf sind. Aber jetzt ist Eva ja alt genug zum fotografieren (und noch jung genug, um mit ihren Eltern wegzugehen :-) ), kann sich also vielleicht jetzt ändern.
      Bin auch schon sehr gespannt auf Deutschland!
      Dir alles Liebe

  9. Looks like a lovely trip! And the Bucket List is such a great idea! :) I must do that for this holiday, I'm going to Cancun to visit my parents on saturday,I'm gonna stay for 3 weeks! they're so many things I want to do now I'm giving myself some time off!


  10. Your photos are too adorable. Makes me want to travel and see cute animals. :)

  11. I forgot about the petting zoo! Think we will go too some day soon!
