
Thursday 12 July 2012

Things to hang from things

For some reason, Eva is adamant that we will bring our family and friends something really African.

Most of them have been here numerous times, and all of them have an assortment of the usual curios one gets here.

I was fresh out of ideas (short of exporting some of the local wildlife, like my very noisy rooster...).
Eva was not impressed and got rather uncharacteristically difficult.

Finally we went for a walk to calm tempers down. We have beautiful camelthorn trees in Namibia, and at the moment they are dropping their seeds.

So we came back with handfuls of the stuff, and decided to make some things to hang from other things (if you are related to us, please use the time until we get there to practice a delighted smile):





Ps: The camlethorn seeds are the kidney-shaped things, the other stuff are shells with holes in them and wood we found on the beach. Drill holes into the seeds and hang from string.
Puppy loved it.

A gorgeous day to you,


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  1. I for one would be thrilled to receive these as a gift! They are so so pretty. Truly!!
    And your daughter is just lovely!
    xx Nat

  2. They look really lovely! What a great gift. xox

  3. jetzt hast du außer einer wunderschönen tochter, einem herzerweichenden dackel noch einen herrlich archaischen vorhang! ich find eure bastelleien wundervoll!
    herzlichst birgit, die grad von einem regenguss eingeweicht wurde;)

    1. du schreibst die schönsten kommentare liebe birgit! vielen Dank :-). wenn dir der regen auf die nerven geht, kannst du mich gerne besuchen kommen!
      alles liebe

  4. They look's a nice gift! thumbs up!

  5. What a fun project to do with Eva. From collecting the seeds, shells and wood to creating something she wants to then give to her relatives. Beautifully done.

  6. She likes crafting...what fun. These are unique and hold meaning~

    1. Thanks :-). Now we must just get them out of the country. officially you are not allowed to export seeds without a permit. hugs to you

  7. Don't tell me you have a small, moody crafter in your home!! How funny! Truth is, I get a little irritated myself when I can't figure out what to make or give to someone. You are so clever to use a walk to calm tempers....nature has a way doesn't it? I love that you figured something out together! I find these oddly and curiously appealing! Hope they don't get confiscated at may have to take another long walk!

  8. I think they look beautiful! Great One-of-a-kind gift!
