
Saturday 28 July 2012

On the second day

First up the mountain:

And then up into the trees:

During lunch:

Smells good:

The local wildlife:

Back in our temporary home:

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ps: Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! I love reading them and I love feeling connected to you. My Namibian mail server doesn't allow me to answer e-mails from Germany which is why I haven't replied yet.

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  1. What a lovely time your are having! The views are just incredible! Enjoy!

  2. Looks like so much fun. Glad you are having good weather. We have also just been in the mountains (Czech)so your pics and activities look very similar to ours. Enjoy!

  3. Tree acrobats!!!!!!!! I am so jealous of Eva and your dad right now. They are soooo cool!
    A wonderful weekend to you too!!

  4. klettergärten sind sehr gut fürs selbstbewusstsein;)(hätte ich nie geglaubt, bis zum selbsttest) deine kletterer sehen auch sehr glücklich aus!
    samstägliche grüße von birgit

  5. Wow! Amazing pics! looks like you are having lots of fun!!
    PS did you see I gave your blog an award the other day??...i just wanted to know if you got it...but enjoy your vacations and don't worry about a thing!, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading you (i guess you know) Hugs from Mexico!

  6. Enjoy your vacation. I almost feel as if I am there with you, from your lovely pictures. Don't worry about responding to me...I know you love me :).

  7. Wow! What fun for her. Beautiful scenery too!

  8. You are all really brave. Walking on those tires looks a little scary!!!!.....I am glad you can't respond to anyone and can just enjoy all that time with you lovely brave family!
