
Friday 27 July 2012

Allgaeu - day 1

We spent the last week in Germany's south-western corner, bordering Switzerland and Austria.
The area is called 'Allgaeu' and is full of small mountains, strangely dressed people and cows with fluffy ears
(but no internet connection).

We had a wonderful time, because despite doing most of our mountaineering with the help of various lifts:

Here some pictures from our first day:

The welcoming committee:

In front of our window:

After unpacking, one of our party forced everybody else to first stop at this chute (guess who):

On the way up (this was the only time I was allowed to go with Eva, she then decided I drive far to slowly):

The racing Oma:

Then we took the lift up:

View on the way:

On top:

An 'alm', which is a place where they milk the cows that spend all summer in the mountains, and make cheese and butter:

The summit:

On the way home we stopped to buy supplies:

What the locals wear:

Eva entertained herself while we were buying food:

And now I am going back outside, Germany is hot hot hot, and not a cloud in the sky!

A wonderful day to you!



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  1. Hello Juta,
    Wow, you are so blessed to travel to such a beautiful place. Safe Travels. ;o)
    Smiles, Paula

  2. Oh it looks beautiful there Jutta! Glad you are having a great time xxx Nat

  3. So greeeen! So pretty! Lovely!

  4. Great photos! I doubt that the cows need an internet connection. lol I think it would be so much fun to travel there and spend a few months learning how to make cheese!! :-)

  5. P.S. Do you know what kind of cows those are? Are they Swiss, or Charolais or... They're beautiful!

  6. Yay for you! Looks like your having a wonderful time! Eva too! I think she is a country girl at heart too. I have missed your postings and emails but am glad to know you are having a great time!

  7. Beautiful pics! I especially love the one with Eva's head popping out beside her grandparents.

  8. Will we see you modelling that dress any time soon? I had an overwhelming urge to try that cheese. Tell my you ate some for me! ~ Maureen

  9. How thoughtful of you to post on your blog, even while you are on your holiday! The pics are wonderful, funny and gorgeous. There was a big smile on my face when I thought about you going down on that chute :-)...

    Love the clogs, they are much more charming than the klompen from our place, and when I saw the dresses, I was thinking of designing those dresses in Ondelele ;-).

    Enjoy a grand weekend lovely Jutta

  10. ach wie schön! bei der sommerrodelbahn war ich auch schon mal zur klassenfahrt;)
    dir/euch noch eine schöne deutschlandreise...
    sei herzlich gegrüßt aus der nähe von birgit

  11. Thanks for sharing some pictures from your adventure. It looks like it was absolutely lovely. Probably a blessing you didn't have internet connection.

    Crossing my fingers you found a sewing machine :)

  12. Jutta, what a beautiful country Germany is and your photos sure show off that beauty. Your parents ( I am assuming those two lovely people are your parents) are so adventurous and fun. I love their smiles. So nice you are having such a grand holiday!!!!!
