
Sunday 17 June 2012

The happiness of having more friends than chairs (and a cake recipe)

Yesterday was my birthday, tomorrow will be my man's birthday and Friday the school will close.
Despite having to continue to work all that puts me in a wonderful holiday mood.

It was a lovely day yesterday, starting with coffee (and the whole family, two- and four-legged ones) in bed, and
ended with a romantic dinner.

In between there was cake, flowers, phonecalls and wonderful friends!

First some impressions and then a chocolate berry cake recipe for you:


Thank you dear Esther for this lovely lying cake :-):

And now for the recipe:

Chocolate Berry Cake

You will need:

For the cake:

250 g butter (1 1/4 cups)
2 cups castor sugar
200 g dark chocolate (7.05 ounces)
2 cups milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
1.5 cups self-raising flour
1/4 cup cacao
300 g (2.5 cups) frozen (or fresh) berries

For the topping:

150 ml cream (2/3cups)
200 g chocolate (7.05 ounces)
200 g (1.5 cups) berries

Grease a 24 cm spring form and pre-heat oven to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit).
Stir butter, sugar, milk and chocolate in a sauce pan over low heat until melted and smooth.
Whisk eggs and vanilla into chocolate mix. Then sift in flour and cacao and stir until combined.
Pour cake  mix into your spring form (it is very liquid, but will settle when baked) and sprinkle berries on top.
Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

While the cake bakes, prepare the frosting. Heat the cream in a saucepan. Once hot, remove from heat and stir
chocolate in until chocolate has melted. Let the mixture sit for about an hour, stirring occasionally.
Then put frosting and berries on cake and enjoy!

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Lots of love,


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  1. Liebe Jutta,
    alles, alles Liebe und Gute nachträglich zum (29!) Geburtstag ;-)
    Deine Schoko-Beeren-Torte sieht sooo lecker aus! Die war bestimmt ruck-zuck weg!
    Glad to read you had a brilliant day, best wishes from Germany,
    Duni xo

    1. Ganz herlichen Dank liebe Duni! Ja, der Kuchen hat nicht lang gehalten :-).
      Hab einen ganz wunderschönen Sonntag!
      Alles Liebe
      Jutta xxx

  2. Alles alles Gute, dir liebe Jutta, nachträglich zum Geburtstag (unter dem Motto: Man ist so alt, wie die Freunde einen machen;)
    Die Torten , der Tisch und die Gästerunde sehen sehr liebevoll aus!
    Herzlichst Birgit

    1. Genau :-). Ganz herzlichen Dank liebe Birgit!!
      Gruss und Kuss aus Afrika

  3. Oh happy birthday dear Jutta - I'm glad you had a lovely day. We have our school holidays in 2 weeks time - looking forward to that too. Love Nat

  4. Happy belated birthday (again)! Looks like a lovely time with friends! And anyone who will make you such a lovely lying cake.....truly a good friend in my book!

  5. Looks like you had the happiest of birthdays. What a wonderful way to celebrate, surrounded by loved ones. Happy late birthday!

  6. I never thought of it that way. We love having lots of people over and never have enough chairs. How positive your outlook is. I will remember it.

  7. Happy belated birthday! Your photographs are really nice, those cakes look super tempting! Your home is so lovely! Beautiful flowers as well...

  8. Thank YOU dear Jutta for the recipe of that, yummy yummy fill my tummy, delicious cake!

  9. Liebe Jutta, alles Liebe und Gute nachträglich zu deinem Geburtstag! Bleib so wie du bist, denn du bist eine besondere Persönlichkeit! Liebe Grüße Sandra

  10. Jutta!! Happy happy birthday! I wish you all the best and hope you had a wonderful time (so it seems)! By the way...Ich wusste garnicht dass du aus Deutschland kommst...haha...wir konnten uns auch auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich glaube mein English ist viel besser.... Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Grüsse von Mexico! :)

  11. Happy birthday to you both! I hope it's a great one & many more.

  12. It is a very interesting topic. Thank you so much

  13. Oh no! I've missed your birthday!! Wish you a happy belated birthday dear! Glad that you've enjoyed your birthday with love ones & friends. The chocolate berry cake looks divine! Sending you lots of love, Jutta! HUGS :)

  14. SO SORRY did not see this sooner....I know your birthday was so absolutely wonderful and so happy for you......Many wonderful wishes for you even though it is over.

  15. Ich hab's verpasst, es tut mir so leid... °.O
    Aber nachträglich noch alles, alles Gute fürs neue Lebensjahr, viel Gesundheit und weiterhin so viele schöne inspirierende Momente!
