
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Embroidered pillow, or, what to do with the stag

Last year, at a flea market in France, I found an embroidered piece of fabric.
Seeing that I have a bit of an obsession with stags and deer, I bought it and carried it back to Africa.

Here I turned it into a pillow by sewing some white cotton on as a backing.

Since then the pillow has been living in a storage box in the cellar. I regularly took it out and placed it in different
spots around the house, but after a short time it always ended up back in the box.

Something about it was just too much.

Yesterday I unpacked it yet again. This time I decided to change it a bit by sewing some pieces of material on top
of all the embroidery:

I quite like it (so far), Eva liked it better before, and my man and the cat do not care either way.

So at least for today it will stay :-).

Have a beautiful day!

Lots of love,


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  1. I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it!!!!!! :-)

  2. I like it, I think the pieces of fabric on it look really cool.

  3. The cat seems quite fond of it in the picture. I love that you didn't give up on this poor pillow and figured out a way to make it work.

  4. beautiful work!!
    beautiful kitty!

  5. I like what you did with that pillow! it looked too traditional to me before and the pieces of fabric changed it and made it less...i don't know...serious....haha I love that mini Eva by the way, it's hilarious! Have a nice day!

  6. awww...beautiful kitty:)

    die Flohmärkte in Frankreich sind der Hammer, oder?
    Dein neues (altes) Kissen sieht jetzt viel frischer aus
    finde ich! Gute Idee mit dem Patchwork :)
    Die Molly ist uns vor drei Monaten zugelaufen, also nein, so
    lange kennen sie sich nicht und ich drücke alle Daumen und Zehen
    dass sie sich irgendwann vertragen!
    Ganz liebe Grüße,

  7. Don't know how I missed this yesterday....I love it! You took something so masculine and as my sister would say, "cuted it up"!! I like it better than the before!
