
Monday 25 June 2012

Cool not cold, and another DIY involving maps

It really is winter now. The temperature is below freezing, and hardly anybody here has heating in their houses.
The cold spell normally lasts only for about six weeks, so we recon we can survive without.

But sitting here at my kitchen table in the early morning dark it is decidedly chilly.

And then I open my mail and realize that I am not cold but cool!!!

Thanks so much lovely Birgit from Zickimicki!
Please hop over and visit her (but come back again afterwards, I have another DIY for you :-) ).
Her blog is in German but the pics are great, and every Monday she shows the most wonderfully combined outfits!

Thanks again dear Birgit, I am passing the award on to:

Meeha Meeha
While wearing heels
Amalie loves Denmark
Silo Hill Farm
I - Lost in Austen

And now on to the DIY:

It is another project involving maps (might have something to do with my trip to Europe coming closer..).

I am still pondering the places I have been and the places I want to go to...
This gave me the idea to document where I have been happy.
It is not a conclusive list, and Africa doesn't feature at all because I used all the maps I had already in other projects :-).
But I have been (and am) happy here to!

The project is self-explanatory, so I leave you with some pics:

Have a wonderful brand new week!



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  1. I can't even think about the cold right now! Last week our days were in the high 90's, but our warm weather doesn't seem to last all that long, so I need to soak it up when I can :-) In the winter, when we are keeping the heat *very* low I drink a lot of herbal tea. Usually warms me up!

  2. Congratulations, Jutta, you sure deserve the Cool award! And thank you for the mention - you are spoiling me! Now I have to be extra careful to replace Danni with someone else (she would be on my list as well).
    PS: I LOVE the map craze you've gotten into lately. My favorite are those fake embroidery stitches <3

  3. Congrats Jutta! You DO have a cool blog! And now, I can be cool right along with you! Thank you so much! You know I love the map art! You come up with the cleverest ideas! What a great way to remember past happiness!

  4. What a wonderful project. I love that you use maps in decorating. It reminds you that there is a big world out there waiting to be explored, adventures waiting to be had. AND, from the looks of it, you certainly have explored and had a few adventures...and I am sure will have more in the future.

    Congratulations on being an award winning blog! Thanks so much for sharing your cool blog award with me. I humbly accept :)

  5. All maps are fascinating, but personalizing your's has made them that much more special! ~ Maureen

  6. dein heutiges kartenprojekt gefällt mir wieder sehr gut.plätze an denen du glücklich warst- eine wundervolle idee. und hab dank für deine lieben komplimente (im internet ist erröten ja nicht zu sehen;)bei deinen ausgesuchten blogs hab ich schonmal vorbeigeschaut und sie gefallen mir auch!
    liebste grüße von birgit

    1. Vielen herzlichen Dank liebe Birgit :-) und alles alles Liebe zurück!

  7. Congrats for your award! Your blog totally deserves it!

  8. I think you are cool too, congratulations on the award. I hope you have a great week!!

  9. Congratulations Jutta, your blog is truly the coolest blog I've ever come across. Full with fun & creative post! Always something to learn from & very inspiring too! Thank you so much again for thinking of me for this award! You've made my day & I do appreciate it. I love your DIY map art! Sending you lots of Love & hugs, Jutta & not forgetting to sweet Eva! Have a lovely week my friend & again MERCI! :)

    1. You are very welcome dear Kit! your blog is very cool too (and very dangerous!)
      big hug

  10. I just awarded you The Sunshine Award


  11. Liebe Jutta,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Award. Der sieht nicht nur cool aus, der ist es auch! Danke für die Ehre. Ich will/wollte eigentlich keine Awards mehr... aber ich schaue mal, denn..

    während Ihr Winter habt, ist es bei uns herbstlich und dass, obwohl wir Sommerferien haben... ich bin genervt. Es gibt viel zu tun, aber ich wäre lieber draußen und würde die Sonne und den Sommer genießen. Was ist das für ein Wetter? Wie ich aussehe, wie Deine Tochter auf dem letzen Bild, als sie keine Photos mehr haben wollte.....
    Umso liebere herzliche Grüße in den Süüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüden.

    Hab´s fein.


  12. You can definitely see your skills in the work you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid to say how they believe. At all times go after your heart.
