
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Bits and bobs

With Eva on holiday, my normal routine went right out of the window.

So I am just going to show you some impressions, bits and bobs of our life today:

Good morning! When Eva wakes up, she gets her book and moves from her bed to the couch:

I am sure that I still had two gardening shoes yesterday. Finally find it in the driveway, courtesy of

this little missy here:

The tomatoes are coming along:


Every day, I pull out some radishes for the salad:

By lunchtime Eva is actually dressed:

No more papparazzi shots!

Guarding the entrance to the castle:

Are you STILL not done at the computer?

Ok, ok, just one last pic:

And now we are off to walk the dogs...

I hope you are also having a lovely day!


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  1. das sind sehr schöne einblicke in euren alltag, liebe jutta. wie alt ist deine tochter? kann es sein, dass die pubertät schon anklopft? kommt mir sehr bekannt vor...
    sei ganz lieb gegrüßt von birgit XXX

    1. sie ist gerade erst zehn geworden, wir haben also hoffentlich noch ein bisschen zeit... im moment ist meist noch sehr nett und liebevoll, auch wenn es auf den bildern heute vielleicht nicht unbedingt so aussieht :-) xxx

  2. What a sweet glimpse into your life. I love posts just like this.

  3. Haha. Cute photos! And love your great guard dogs. :-)

  4. OMG! That girl is gorgeous! One minute a little girl and the next all grown up. It's a fun time. Enjoy her--I'm sure you do.

  5. Wish I looked half as good in the morning as Eve looks!!! She's really a beauty! Love the dogs, as always! Nice to see you had a lovely day!

  6. What kind of dog is that? Eva is pretty just the way she is in the morning. I like to see the face without makeup in the morning.

  7. Hallo Jutta,

    es gibt nichts Schöneres als in den Ferien Bücher lesen :)
    Geschminkt und zurechtgemacht sieht Eva schon sehr erwachsen aus!
    Und auch ungeschminkt ein ganz hübsches Mädel!!
    Sweet dogs!
    ganz herzliche Grüße,

  8. Eva doesn't need makeup. She is a beautiful girl without. Love the watch dogs and cute little missy.

    Thanks for visiting Mixed Kreations and for following me on Bloglovin. I am now following you (-;

    You have a very nice blog, lots of neat tutorials and yummy looking recipes.

    1. I know, but she likes to experiment. She doesn't go out wearing make-up. Welcome to the blog dear Linda!

  9. Cute girl! I love the little dog trying to hide under the carpet.

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