
Sunday 6 May 2012

Meet 'Something' - a DIY

Tomorrow, my dear friend Esther is coming back to Namibia after a month in Europe.

On the one hand, I am very much looking forward to seeing her (and not just because she will bring lots of goodies
I ordered, books and transfer foil and alphabet stamps!).

On the other hand, this will mean saying good-bye to the loveliest sewing machine I have ever used.
Esther lend it to me while she was gone, and I have grown quite fond of it (this is saying a lot, normally sewing machines and I do have issues...).

So today I decided to make something while I still had the machine. Maybe a doll of sorts?

I got out all my fabric scraps, which immediately got taken over:

Then I made it up as I went along, cutting two rectangular pieces for the body, four leg pieces and four arm pieces:

I sewed the right sides of the arms and legs together and turned them around:

Then I cut out a white egg-shape for the face, glued it onto the right side of the front body with fabric glue, and then sewed it on, also from the right side:

I added eyes, a mouth and a skirty thingy, also first glueing and then sewing :-):

Then I made little ears, sewing them with the right sides lying on top of each other and then turning them around:

I turned the body with the right sides facing each other, added the ears, arms and legs (they will be facing inwards, with just the ends sticking out), and sewed it all together, rounding the head off. I left a little opening at the bottom for stuffing:

Here is Esther's lovely machine:

Then I sewed some buttons onto the eyes. This would have been a lot easier if I would have done it before sewing
the body together :-):

I filled it with stuffing from an old pillow, and here it is. Meet 'Something':

A wonderful Sunday to you!



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  1. "Something" is just adorable! I like it!

  2. Little "Something" is very sweet and looks quite at
    home sitting in the armchair :)
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Sonntag und viel
    Spaß beim Lesen von Mollie Makes!
    viele liebe Grüße an Dich,

  3. Very cute! I think my daughter would love "something" :-)

  4. That is an adorable "Something". I love the fact that you just kind of "threw" it together! That's half it's charm right there! I thought maybe you were going to give it to that adorable dog, who so obviously likes the fabric it was made from! Nice job!

  5. The first stage in every project is, remove the pet from the supplies! I like the funky doll. It's too bad you have to lose the sewing machine, though. ~ Maureen

  6. What a funny little doll, she is adorable! And your dog is so cute! My fabric is always immediately taken over by at least one cat.

  7. Such a soft looking, sweet looking and loveable doll. You are amazing at designing while you create. This doll made me smile:)

  8. OMG! That is SO cute!

  9. Oh my! This doll is so cute & sweet! I wanna make one for my niece too! Love your green house & what are you gonna plant in it? I just finished my spring cleaning & now have to start our vegetable patch. Hopefully it will not rain coz this weekend we'll be starting to planting veges in our patch. Keeping my finger cross! Lots of love to you ,Jutta! HUGS! :)
