
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Comfy shoes and apple cake

All Eva wants to talk about is the PARTY.
It is great that she is so excited, but I am starting to feel a bit under pressure.

She wants a red carpet party with 20 of her closest friends.
She wants fondue and disco balls and beautiful decorations and a gorgeous dress.
And of course she wants birthday presents...

All this somehow has to happen on a very limited budget.

Yesterday I went to a mall to buy tissue paper, which I want to turn into cheap and hopefully impactful pompom balls,
to hang from the ceiling on the big night.

What I came home with is this:

They are the most comfy shoes I have ever owned.
I can wear them inside and out and they were not very expensive.
They are also warm and cozy and will  make getting up on dark cold mornings that much easier.
And the earlier I get up, the more time I have to work, and the more money I will earn (you can probably see that this reasoning got practiced in the shop yesterday).

But they are not tissue paper and they were not in the budget...

So when a friend called today to go for coffee in the same mall, I invited her to my house instead to avoid further temptation.

This has the added benefit that I can bake!

This apple cake is really simple to do, and I always have the ingredients on hand.

You will need:

200 g butter (7 ounces)
200 g sugar (1 cup)
200 g flour (1.6 cups)
2 eggs
1 can of pie apples or 2 - 3 fresh apples
2 teaspoons vanilla aroma
some flaked almonds

Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (392 Fahrenheit).
Melt the butter, mix the flour and sugar, then add the eggs, the vanilla aroma and the melted butter.
Stir to combine, add the apples, sprinkle with flaked almonds and some sugar and bake for about 50 minutes.

You can easily adjust the size of the cake, by either using 100 g butter, sugar, flour and one egg, or 300 g of everything and
3 eggs.

Easy peasy, at least if you don't get side-tracked and actually take the cake out in time.

It tastes especially nice with whipped cream.


Lots of love,


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  1. Yum! That apple cakes looks delicious. I would think your friend is happier snacking with you rather than shopping :). And, those shoes look warm, fuzzy and adorable. Good decision to buy them!

  2. I plan make this cake today and thank you so much for the the tissue paper, oh, I mean boots you got. I wear the Ugg boots and houseshoes a lot. I am sure you will come up with some great ideas for Eva's party. The theme sounds fun. Lots of love, Kay

  3. hallöchen
    herrrlich, diese stiefel! und so vielseitig. wie warm ist es denn bei euch? also hier in stuttgart ist zu zeit gaaanz schönes wetter, so um die 25° und leicht windig.
    der kuchen sieht auch klasse aus, wie nach nem tag in der sonne ;-)
    also ganz gut gelingt auch immer diese art von ´´resteverwertung´´: ofenschlupfer.
    4-5 alte brötchen, oder weissbrot
    2 eier
    1 päckchen vanille-pudding-pulver
    500 ml milch, 1-3 eßl. weiche butter
    etwa zucker ( 4-5 eßl.), rosinen, wer´s mag, ein bißchen zimt
    das brot in dünne scheiben schneiden, mit der ei-milch-pudd.p-zuckker-mischung übergießen
    kurz aufsaugen lassen, mit butter und zimt bestreuen
    20 min. bei 180° backen---lecker und günstig
    und wenn du hast,kannst du auch noch äpfel, kirschen oder dergleichen druntermengen.
    schmeckt am besten noch lauwarm und mit sahne oder vanille soße
    viel spaß beim probieren

  4. Good for you! I can never stay away from the shopping temptation either C:

  5. I am making this cake now.......hope it turns out a good as yours.....and hope my glass loaf pan is same size as yours:):)
    Yum...excited to eat it tonight.

  6. Uh! This looks yummy! I don't have a proper oven, only a tiny toaster oven... but it has temperatures and I've even done lasagna in there! so I might try to do a mini apple that i'm injured and can't crochet!! or blog!!! snif snif :( , I actually shouldn't be writing in the computer at all but I can't help myself...Hope to return to blogging by the weekend! Have a nice day Jutta, you might save one of my terribly boring days with your recepie! XOXO

  7. The apple cake looks really yummy!! Cute boots.
    Hi Jutta, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award. It is the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling. Check it out at ( Feel free to decline if you don't want to join in. Thanks, Dawn

  8. Oh yummm...I want some! And those boots are the cutest! Those pom-poms are a snap, you'll have plenty of time!

  9. schön...ich war wieder bei dir schmöckern und obwohl du so weit weg wohnst, sieht alles sehr nach heimat aus;) (nur in die stiefel würde mich momentan bei den temperaturen keiner reinbekommen)
    herzlichst birgit

  10. of course I'll follow back. Sorry it took me so long! Those do look so so comfy.Good luck with the party, I am sure it will be amazing, how could a night with all the closes people around not be wonderful?

  11. Jutta, love the comfy shoes! A girl has to do what a girl has to do!
    The cake sounds quick and easy just what I like. I am following you,
    hope you get to link to the party this week as well.

  12. Great photos. Don't you just love it when you go out for something else and end up with something for yourself. Yes I can relate to that. Following your blog. Thanks for following mine and leaving a comment.

