
Monday, 19 March 2012

What I am grateful for

I am so very grateful for my beautiful dog Buddha.

He was with us for the last 12 years, so strong and yet so sensitive. He died peacefully yesterday morning and is now burried under a big camelthorn tree, next to his favorite river.

Since he got sick he kept on shadowing me, following me around the house, sleeping right next to my bed at night.
Now it feels rather empty.

Thanks so much for being part of my life my big boy.

Our favorite riverbed:

Living in such a beautiful, empty country:

The ones that are left:

A new morning:

Have a wonderful day filled with things to be grateful for.



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  1. Dankbarkeit für die schöne gemeinsame Zeit und Trauer und Schmerz. Ich denke an dich!

    liebe Grüße von Ellen

    1. Ganz herzlichen Dank liebe Ellen. Hab eine wunderschöne Woche.
      Alles Liebe

  2. Heaven now has got another furry angel. He had a good life with you. I love your pictures and it is always good to stop and count your blessings (and say thanks) - great that you remind us of that. Have a lovely week and hope the emptiness will soon be filled again. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much dear Imke! I love the furry angel bit, this is what he is now. hopefully they have some chewy bones wherever he dwells.
      big hug back to you xxx

  3. Oh Jutta, wie traurig, das zu lesen. Ich habe zwar selber keinen Hund, wünsche mir aber sehr einen... Und dann wieder nicht, aus Angst vor dem Verlust. Andererseits: die Erinnerung an die schönen Zeiten mit dem Tier bleiben für immer, auch wenn Buddha jetzt nicht mehr bei euch ist...

    1. Herzlichen Dank liebe Sonja! Natürlich ist es einerseits traurig, aber andererseits hatten wir so viele schöne Jahre zusammen. Seine Mutter ist auch bei uns, wir kannten Buddha also vom ersten Tag an. Alles Liebe für Dich, ich schick Dir ein bisschen Sonnenschein xxx

  4. Dear Jutta! So sorry that Buddha died yesterday. Lots of hugs and kisses from me, and also from Bob. He has cut you a "tapijtje" Will give it next time I see you. Love,

    1. Thank you so much dear Esther, have your card and Bob's tapijtje hanging next to the computer xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am so sorry and sad for your terrible loss, Jutta. It is so hard to loose our four legged friends. I mourn with you as I remember all of the faithful companions I have lost over my lifetime. I guess it is part of the price we must pay to be able to have them in our lives. But wouldn't our lives be emptier without them? Hugs.

  6. Liebe Jutta,

    ach mensch, wie traurig ist das denn :(
    Ich weiß wie schmerzhaft es ist ein geliebtes Tier zu verlieren, schließlich sind es "Familienmitglieder".
    Drück Dich ganz doll. RIP Buddha.
