
Thursday, 29 March 2012

The three week challenge to health, beauty and a clean home

When I was still on a 'raw food only' mission I read about retox somewhere.

This concept seemed very strange to me.

Who would want to retox after they went through the withdrawal, the inconvenience and then the pleasure of
eating healthy?

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Fast forward a couple of months and here I am, a retox expert!
I am back to eating chocolate and cookies, drinking red wine and lying around on my couch.

Very enjoyable as long as it is balanced by other food and other activities :-).

I am pretty much an 'all or nothing' kind of person (nice excuse) and right now it is close to nothing health-wise.

But this is about to change, and I would love some company on my mission!

Lets eat healthy, lets get fit and subtle, lets find clarity about the things that are really important to us, lets sort out our cupboards, wash our curtains and clear out the storerooms…

Please join me for a simple three week program to get fit, healthy, happy and centered.

At first I planned this as a six week program, but that just seemed too overwhelming. Apparently it takes 21 days for new habits to form, so three weeks should do the trick.

Here is the button you can use if you would like to take part:

Creative Chaos three week challenge

The plan:

Please adept so it works for the time you have available and for your preferences (I do NOT mean watching TV while
eating junk food :-) ):
  • 1 hour of sports on 3 days a week (I will mainly do Power Yoga)
  • 30 minutes of sports on 3 other days (f.ex. jumping on the mini trampoline)
  • Only fruit until lunchtime 
  • A big salad or veggies with and sometimes instead of lunch and dinner
  • Lots of water between meals 
  • Healthy sweets as the only sweet stuff 
  • 2 hours/week to think about your life. Where do you want to go, what is important to you, what are your goals and values, what needs sorting out or resolving
  • writing a list of unfinished projects and doing them or giving up on them
  • Clear out, clean and organize every room of the house, including the outside rooms, the garden, the car, the computer… 

I will regularly post updates, a list of cleaning and sorting tasks, resources and inspiration, and healthy receipes.

Hopefully this will keep me nicely on track and motivated...

The program will start on Monday, 2nd of April and run until the 22rd of April.

Please join me on finding a healthier, happier you that is able to locate the missing cellar keys, is calm and serene
under fire, knows that she is beautiful and loved, and looks and feels 10 years younger :-).

Let me know in the comments if you are in.

To love, beauty and clarity!


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  1. Liebe Jutta,

    ich bewunder Dich und drücke Dir die Daumen... und ich bin nicht dabei. Ich habe heute das erste Spargelschild gesehen. Dazu BRAUCHE ich fiese Soße und Schinken. Dann kommt der Rhababer, der gehört in den Kuchen... ich denke, Du wirst das verstehen?

    Ganz liebe Grüße


    1. Das verstehe ich sehr gut . Ist auch einer der Gründe, warum ich es nur 3 Wochen lang mache und nicht 6. Vor allem der Rhabarber, den gibt’s hier jetzt auch grad...
      Wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag
      Alles liebe

  2. Wow Jutta!!!
    But I'm in! I still have some healthy sweet recipes I can share... Funny, I started cleaning out the guestroom this morning, and it felt so good and rewarding, and cleansing cos I got to give loads of magazines to other people to enjoy them :-)


    1. That is so cool! I do not really feel like it, but it is definitely necessary. I also have to do a LOT more yoga, otherwise everybody in the class will be fitter than me 
      See you tomorrow morning, thanks for being such a good friend

  3. I admire you Jutta, my mind is willing but my body is week, giggle. P.S> thank you for joining in the blog hop fun :-)

    1. My body sympathizes... i am really looking forward to the organizing part of it but am not too keen on the rest. But it is actually not such a big change, just a bit more awareness and a lot more salad :-)

  4. Sounds like a great plan, I will have to see if I can do this.

    1. I think the trick (at least for me) is to not deprive myself but to just add veggies, fruit, salad, water and sport. The healthy sweets are really delicious so I don’t feel as if I am missing out. And the organizing is fun. :-)
      Would be great if you could take part, just use and integrate whatever is useful for you

  5. Liebe Jutta, ich bin euch leider voraus .... sonst würde ich mich sofort anschließen und mich von der Gruppe gerne mittragen und motivieren lassen. Aber ich mache regelmäßig Basenfasten , was bedeutet: morgens Obst, mittags Salate, abends gekochtes Gemüse oder Gemüsesuppe. Ab 14 Uhr keine Rohkost mehr - aber 18 Uhr gar nichts... Keine säuernden Lebensmittel wie Kaffee, Alkohol, Milchprodukte, Fleisch, Käse..... Es tut jedes Mal seeeehr gut und am tollsten finde ich die Auswirkung auf die Haare und das Gewicht!
    Dem Magen-Darm geht es bestens und mir auch insgesamt! So ein Schulter-Klopf-Gefühl....

    Und im Haus: Cleaning und aufräumen - ausmisten ... mach ich auch regelmäßig. Dennoch: man ist nie fertig und irgendwas bleibt immer liegen.
    Das Wohnzimmer ist nun dran. Es wird gestrichen - ein neuer kleiner Teppich ist da und ich lege ihn erst hin, wenn alles neu ist und nahc Farbe riecht...

    Das Rad ist geputzt und ich radel wieder zur Arbeit (8km ein Weg) - eine herrliche Strecke mit Blick auf Berge und See. Power Gymnastik Mittwochs...

    Ich freu mich aber sehr über euer Projekt und werde gerne überall schauen und mir leckere Rezeptideen mitnehmen, die eine oder andere Yogaübung, falls du mal eine reinstellen möchtest und andere inspirierende Ideen!

    Good Luck!


    1. Wie schön liebe Ellen! Das klingt absolut perfekt und ist genau das, wo ich wieder hinkommen möchte. Das letzte Mal hab ich Basenfasten vor 6 Monaten gemacht, deshalb ist es mal wieder Zeit. Ich möchte auch versuchen, es wirklich in mein tägliches Leben zu integrieren anstatt es immer 'entweder-oder' zu machen.
      Würde gerne bei Dir einziehen :-)
      Alles Liebe und ein ganz wunderschönes Frühlings-Wochenende

  6. Even though I would love to be able to take part, I am not in a place mentally that will let me do this. I know that I will fail just reading the tasks, so I will continue taking baby steps towards a happier me! But that does include eating more salad! :o) Have a happy, healthy weekend!

  7. Thank you dear Annika. I am not quite there yet either mentally . The thing is that I know the longer I let it go the longer it will take to get back on track….
    If baby steps work for you it is perfect! With me it unfortunately is a very slippery slope, either I eat VERY healthy and do lots of exercise or I do nothing and eat lots of chocolate .
    Have to work on finding a healthy balance.
    A wonderful weekend to you to!

  8. This sounds like fun!! Good Luck! Thanks for sharing this as well at Thursday's Temptation.

  9. Sounds like you are back on the right track. Good for you!

  10. I am like you as well, either all or nothing, I have slipped back to nothingness but try as I might can't get motivated to go all out again. I'm going to join you in the three week challenge..... fingers crossed we will both be feeling better by May :-)!! xox

  11. This sounds great! Thanks so much for sharing at whimsy Wednesdays.

  12. Good luck! I'm trying something similar, but don't forget how important protein is! It keeps you fuller longer and it helps grow muscles!

  13. We loved having you join us for "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope to see you again soon! -The Sisters

  14. It seems that with the onset of spring many of us are thinking along these lines. I'm preparing to do a juice and raw fruit and veggie fast for a few weeks. Gotta "reboot" occasionaly, right? ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

    1. How wonderful! I did that last year and it makes such a difference. Unfortunately it proved a bit too much for my juicer. It is now making strange rattling noises and has smoke instead of juice coming out of it…
      Freshly squeezed juice must be the most delicious thing on the planet!
      Have a lovely Easter

  15. Thank you dear Kadie! I often think baby steps are actually much better because they get you to keep the changes for longer. but right now i do need a jump-start.

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