
Monday, 21 November 2011

Lovely lantern DIY

You have probably seen or done these lanterns before (I think I even made some as a kid), but because it is such an easy yet lovely project I am going to show it to you anyway.

You can do it with your kids and the results are really pretty and stylish.

All you need is some strong paper, we used 160g paper.

If you have a working color printer you can print a pattern on the paper. My printer doesn't talk to my computer (don't get me started), so I had to make another plan:

Start by folding the paper length-wise

 Cut out some nice wrapping paper in the same size as your paper 

 Glue the wrapping paper onto the other paper 

Starting from the closed part, cut into the paper, stopping about 2 cm's from the top. Fold open and glue the sides together, holding it with a paperclip until the glue is dry

Here are the beautiful lanterns. We put the tealights into a glass, just to be on the safe side :-)


  1. how pretty come see me at

  2. Adorable! They would be great for New Year's Decorations.

  3. These are great! So simple, but they add a great decorative touch! I can't wait to browse around and see what else you've been making! I'm your newest follower and am looking forward to what you make in the future!

    Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife

    PS I host a party on Wednesdays if you want to link this up or anything else I'd love to have you join! :)

  4. These turned out so great! And good can with the glass inside with the candle, that would worry me too lol. Bet they look great lit up!!

    I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Your Whims Wednesday. The party is open until Sunday!

  5. How awesome! I have never tried this before, but it does look like fun. Very clever. My name is Sarah, I just discovered your fabulous blog. I am definitely going to be visiting often. I found you on Party Mindie Style's weekend link up, following via GFC, Facebook and Twitter.

    My blog is Skylar magazine, you are welcome to stop by and follow back. My January issue will be starting on the first so be sure to come back. I'm looking for guest bloggers so if you are ever interested be sure to let me know.

    Well, thanks and have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful and safe New Years!


  6. What a lovely display. Love your display artist as well...beautifully done! I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  7. Fun! We used to do these when I was a little kid. I had forgotten all about this idea. :)

    Thanks for the reminder!


  8. What a fun project! My kids would love these. Although we may end up with lanterns everywhere :).

  9. This looks amazing-I'm your newest follower-stop by for a visit! (The battery operated tealights would be great too!

  10. So cute! My daughter would love to make these...I'll have to show her!
