
Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Houseboat Living

It is cloudy!!! Grey, dark-ish and a wonderfully cool wind. After nearly 8 months of sunny blue skies this is so wonderful! Hopefully we will also get some much needed rain soon.
If it does rain, my weekend will be spend on the roof, finding and patching up leaks :-).

In honour of the approaching rain, I will show you a space on the water today (I will also show it because I am completely in love with it, this would be exactly my kind of living...). Such a beautiful, cosy space.

Amber (the houseboat) belongs to Emma, who has this to say about living in a small space:

1. Reduce hoarding. When you live in a small space there is no room to keep things you don’t use. Do a stock take of CDs, DVDs and books every six months and give unwanted ones to charity. Emma also manages to organise her clothes in this small space by giving away anything she hasn’t worn for more than a year.

2. Keep on top of the post! Switch to internet-only bills and banking to reduce the volume of post and paperwork you receive – it will also make you a lot greener!

3. Use flexible furniture. Invest in a fold-down table and chairs so you can easily adapt your home to fit in extra house guests.

4. Get wall-mounted containers. These are a great way to store everything from cutlery to house keys, while keeping the floor space clear.

5. Go for boxes. These are an excellent, simple form of storage. Emma keeps her clothes and underwear in brown boxes, and her paperwork in white ones.

Enjoy the tour.

Pictures by Ikea Family